

Ragi, also known as Nachni or finger millets, is a popular North Indian cereal crop. Rich in nutrients, ragi offers valuable health benefits such as;

1. Promotes bone density. Ragi is an excellent source of natural calcium. It not only strengthens bones in growing children but also restores optimum bone density in older people, thereby alleviating osteoporosis symptoms.
2. The powerhouse of iron. Ragi, being a powerhouse of iron, also helps in treating anemia.
3. Supplies anti-aging benefits. Ragi contains phenolic acids and flavonoids – two classes of antioxidants that promote new skin cell formation, conceal fine lines and wrinkles. Besides, the amino acids present in ragi help boost collagen, maintaining suppleness and smoothness of the skin.
4. Balances doshas. Ragi is an excellent food that helps in balancing the three doshas, namely, Kapha, Vata, and Pitta.
5. Helps to maintain a healthy weight. The fat content in ragi is in its unsaturated form. This natural fat content is lower than all other cereals, which helps in maintaining a healthy weight.

PRO TIP: Do consult your nutritionist for the right portion.

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